

发布日期:2017-05-08     作者: 管理员     分享到:

报告题目Sensorily cued reward responses and implications in control of food intake (in health and eating disorders)

报告人:江涛 法国第戎大学副教授



报告地点:长安校区 格物楼大厅食品学院二层报告厅



The development of overweight/obesity is promoted by the prevalence of ‘obesogenic’ environments in Western societies characterized by the availability of palatable energy-dense food, and increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Current theoretical frameworks recognize the key role of brain reward systems in appetite control and the regulation of body weight, and argue that reward-related behavior comprises two major components mediated by partially separable neural substrates: one re?ects an affective/hedonic process that generates ‘liking’,  and the  other component re?ects a motivational or incentive salience process that generates ‘wanting’. In this talk I shall present our studies on how these two components of reward were related with food stimuli properties, individual food intake status (health and eating disorders, adults, children). Some “objective” reward measures might be necessary in predict food intake behavior.

近年来,随着消费者饮食结构的快速改变和生活水平的提高,体重超标/肥胖病的流行以及饮食行为的紊乱病例骤升,在诸多影响因素中,学者们一致认为当今的“促肥胖” 食品环境是造成饮食影响健康的重要原因之一。但目前对什么机制可以导致这种食品环境引起超重/肥胖病或其它饮食行为紊乱的研究还处在初期阶段。由感官引起的“奖赏应答”错位被认为是食品环境不健康饮食的重要机制之一。研究表明奖赏应答至少包括两个成分:喜好(情感)和意愿(动力)。 本报告内容主要是“奖赏应答”和食品营养特征,与个体的饮食行为之间关系的研究和部分结果,并提出如何应用 “客观”指标来测定“奖赏应答”的不同成分。